Friday 9 August 2024

Tour de Lincolnshire, day 5

It was a good night in my campsite with en suite pub.  I was wakened from a deep sleep by a roar from my noisy neighbours at RAF Coningsby,  off on a midnight assignation, but otherwise, I slept well on a very warm night, with a few light rain showers.  The rain had blown away by morning  and the sun was out as I struggled to pack the tent without anything flying away in a fresh westerly wind.

My route today is an arc north and west to Lincoln, via Market Rasen and nowhere else.   I had very definitely left the flat fens now and was in the Lincolnshire Wolds, nice mixed countryside and quite hilly.  Breakfast in a caff on the main Lincoln to Skegness road, very busy on a Friday morning, and then up on the high (ish) hills along the ridges with great views all the way to Lincoln, at least 20 miles away.  The main feature was the gusty wind, which was often in my face, so I was pleased to leave the wolds.   I passed through Scramblesby, which would have been a great site for an RAF base, or perhaps an egg farm.   So many place names ending in -by, meaning village, from the Danelaw days of the 9th -11th centuries.

High-level route - The Lindsey Trail

At lunch at Donington-on-Bail, I met a tandem couple in a lovely post office cafe; both built for low air resistance, very small and wiry but full of stories of their cycling.  The chap recommended a steep hill in Lincoln city to me, but I wasn't all that receptive, I'm afraid. 

After lunch I headed up to Market Rasen, another town with Market in the title.  Nice scenery on the way there, but still very windy,  and when I got there for early tea, hot and tired, I found I couldn't face eating anything.  It was a shock - I've never had that problem before.  Market Rasen didn't live up to all the other Market... towns I've visited on this trip.

Not one, but two surprise fords


Probably a foot deep

There was nothing for it but to slog onwards to Lincoln, mostly into the wind.   It was flat, and the high hedges meant there was not much of a view, but every so often they created a wind tunnel effect.   It was a 15 mile endurance test.

Eventually I got to Lincoln, and it is a gorgeous city.   The cathedral is huge, difficult to photograph but lovely in the late afternoon sun.  There's a castle, and a whole olde world area of shops on cobbled streets, including Steep Hill.  So steep I didn't dare cycle down it with a loaded bike.  At the bottom is the modern shopping area centred on the river, with no less than three Wetherspoons.   I didn't have time to try them all.


Part of the castle

Steep Hill


This is the last day of my trip.   I'm getting the train home this evening, having ridden myself to a standstill.  I feel that I've covered a lot of ground in Leicestershire,  and less so in Lincolnshire,  but I've also ridden up the Lincolnshire coast, so I know that bit from 2013.

I've enjoyed exploring some different countryside,  and visiting some towns that I'd heard, and some I hadn't.   I loved the roads with almost no traffic, and the very friendly people everywhere.

Post Adventure

Stopping train to nowhere
I got an advance single on a quiet evening train direct to London,  and my bike and I were all sitting comfortably ready to leave, when we were all told that the train wasn't going, due to overhead line damage.  Plan B was a slow train to Nottingham, then a slow train to Loughborough, and then an even later train to London... arriving 00:30.  It even made the news: Rail Chaos Causes Travel Nightmare, according to the YorkMix website.   Three rather rushed platform changes and boarding three busy trains with a bike and panniers was not part of my plan, but it somehow worked.  I forced my legs to cycle home through a quiet London, still warm at 1am and a very pleasant way to end the tour.

Day 4 · Day 5

Thursday 8 August 2024

Tour de *Lincolnshire*, day 4

I'm in Lincolnshire!  My route today:   first 50 miles; flat.  Then a few hills.  It's all fens, straight roads, a few ditches draining the land, views for miles.

With a following wind, I'd soon knocked off seven miles to an awakening Spalding:  nice town centre and a good breakfast cafe.  The sky gradually became overcast as I rode north east, another twenty miles to Boston.  It was nice - not featureless, but I didn't feel the need to stop to take any photos either.


I've ridden through Boston before, while riding up the east coast.   I recognised the church tower from miles away, like a lighthouse across the fens.  Boston has a nice spacious town centre, and I discovered a quaint 'old town' just by the river and the church, with narrow cobbled streets and little old pubs.  No time to try them though.   The old town gave way to an old railway line,  now a cycle trail, the Water Rail Way, aka NCN route 1, following the river Witham all the way to Lincoln.  


Old town

Water Rail Way

I followed it north, part tarmac trail and part road, all the way to  Woodhall Spa, about twenty miles which seemed to go by quickly with nice views across the land and the river.  Also a few invisible fighter jets above the clouds, from RAF Coningsby.  Probably stealth fighters.

Stealth fighters

At Woodhall Spa it had started to drizzle, and I found an old time cafe, with old time crockery and prices.  It was a nice town, a bit reminiscent of a seaside town but without the sea.  Plenty of reasons to visit.

After a long ride in the fens, it was nice to have some different countryside.  I left along a wooded lane and was then back on open farmland meadows and cornfields.

I'd found a campsite in a pub for tonight (well, in the pub garden): the Red Lion at East Kirby.   I had to pitch the tent in the rain - not ideal - but the campsite had good facilities including an onsite pub with good value food.

There was a wartime RAF base at East Kirby, with Lancaster bombers, and the (disused) airfield is still here.  There's also an aviation museum with a Lancaster bomber.

Day 3 · Day 4 · Day 5

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Tour de Leicester, day 3

I went to bed in my hilltop tent after a fiery sunset.  The night was cooler, and I was woken in the dark by what I think was a rabbit behind the tent, giving a yip-yip-yip alarm call.   In the morning I headed north east towards Melton Mowbray, 20 miles away.  I wasn't hopeful of finding breakfast, but just outside the pretty village of Wymeswold there was an industrial park with a cafe & bakery, serving a mouth-watering pain au raisin.



I was back in the "crinkly" landscape of the Leicestershire Wolds, zig-zagging in and out of the Soar valley.  The Soar is the definitive river of Leicestershire,  rising just over the border to the south west in Warwickshire,  and soaring downhill to a big exit to the north east, where it soon gets absorbed by the river Trent.

Leicestershire villages

I had nearly completed a circle around Leicester, as I saw signs to Frisby again, but instead I chose the delights of Melton Mowbray,  a big town with a nice feel - plenty of pedestrianised shopping, also Ye Olde Pie Shoppe where no doubt you can buy a souvenir pie or two.  After a two-course elevenses, I headed east and north across the rolling countryside, and the county border, to Grantham, in Lincolnshire.   On the way I passed through Woolsthorpe,  where Isaac Newton invented gravity in the plague lockdown of 1666.

Apart from a lovely entry to town - several miles downhill followed by a riverside cycle path - I found it a bit disappointing.  After a late lunch in Morrisons, I was ready to head off - but where to?

It's funny how days can differ.  Yesterday,  I was all in after 50 miles, but today after 50 miles to Grantham,  I felt I could manage the 25 miles to the next potential campsite, south east in Bourne.

After an initial climb out of town, the trend was downhill, south through little villages and more harvest scenes, combine harvesting, baling the straw, muck spreading and then ploughing.  Busy time for farmers (and the cows, I imagine).


Tea stop

The last few miles to Bourne were off-road, starting with a dodgy track and then a better forest track, which made a nice change from the empty lanes.  I saw more people in the forest (three) than I saw on the roads between Grantham and Bourne.  I may suggest this to the organisers of London-Edinburgh-London,  as it would make a nice change from all those boring roads and add a bit of spice to the route, especially at night time.

I rather dashed through Bourne as it was getting late.  There were two campsites on the other side of town, quite a long way out as it transpired, five miles on a long straight windy road.  I stopped at the first, and it was lovely.  The campsite manager, also called Simon , was very welcoming, showed me to a sheltered pitch, and even offered me a ready meal to cook for my evening meal.   I declined, but he also suggested an excellent pub just (3 miles) down the road.

84 miles in all, and 1000m of climbing, so a big day fully justifying a big evening meal and plenty of re-hydration.

Day 2 · Day 3 · Day 4

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tour de Leicester, Day 2

It rained overnight but I was dry, warm, and mostly asleep.  By the time I got up,  the rain had stopped, leaving a grey, cool morning.   I had a very reasonable English Breakfast in Hinckley, which nearly cost less than the coffee, then set off north, along the west side of the county, next door to Warwickshire. 


Yesterday I was on NCN63, 64 and 6.  Today I was on NCN 52, part of which was named the Bosworth Way after the Battle of Bosworth.  Hinckley was OK but the next town, Market Bosworth,  was lovely, if rather up-market and car dominated.   Sitting in a car park enjoying my meal deal, I noticed that I was at the very spot where Richard III was disinterred, before being transferred to Leicester cathedral.  I hope his parking fees were waived.

Market Bosworth 

Tranquil lanes among golden corn: I came upon two hares in the road, who didn't know what to do about cyclists.  Eventually,  one (the adult?) scarpered into the field and sat still, ears lowered as if to become invisible,  but the other ran away along the road for quite a while.  I rode slowly but it took him a long time to realise that the hedge was a better option.

The next village, called Heather, had a scarecrow festival, and it was lovely to see whole families, including teenagers, enjoying visiting the various sites and ticking them off.

Grace de Dieu trail


After Coalville, an old mining town, I had quite a bit of off road, still on NCN52,  now called the Grace de Dieu trail, hairy in parts but manageable, and a nice change.  I popped out near Shepshed and then rode to Loughborough for tea.  Loughborough has a lot of greenery and pedestrian areas in the centre so it's a pleasant place to visit.

However it was hot, it was teatime, I was tired, and I was only just over halfway to my planned destination, Melton Mowbray.   I'd heard bad things about the hills there from the recent Wayfarers group tour there.   I decided to stop short in Barton-on-Soar, where I enjoyed a nice pub meal next to the river, before struggling back up to my hilltop campsite.

Barton and its neighbour, Quorn, are both lovely towns, not too far from Leicester,  so maybe theycare commuter towns.  

Today has been another day of lovely riding on peaceful roads with bucolic views and some very enjoyable towns and villages.  I was struck by the lack of people everywhere:  I guess they are all at work or on holiday.   It makes a big change from our local area.

Day 1 · Day 2 · Day 3

Monday 5 August 2024

Tour de Leicester, day 1

I've waited sooo long for this trip.   Endless rain and cold weather gave way to summer eventually, but then "events, dear boy" kept me enjoyably occupied for a few weeks.

So here I am, tent packed and on the train to Leicester,  in the middle of the school holidays, the Olympics, and amid outbreaks of civil unrest in many English cities.  Leicester had a dispersal order in force last night, but no actual riots.

My plan is to meander around Leicestershire, exploring and camping, and maybe take in parts of Lincolnshire if I run out of Leicestershire.  I've packed light, only two panniers for the first time since I discovered all those extra bits and pieces you can buy on AliExpress or Decathlon.  I'm not sure how I managed to get round most of the GB coast with only this much stuff.

I arrived in Leicester mid-morning and skipped the city tour, heading straight out of the city instead.  It all looked peaceful,  and I was soon in the even more peaceful countryside.  Heading east on gently rolling countryside, it was all lovely, with empty lanes, a few combine harvesters at work in the fields, and a tail wind to keep me company.   I passed by Frisby and Gadby where the exclamations "By Gad!" originated,  at least in my version of history.  I turned south towards Market Harborough,  and the landscape became more crumpled, with steep crinkly valleys.

Traffic-free lane

Just before Market Harborough I met another cyclist, heading home after his morning ride.   He recommended a cafe in Great Bowden, where I had possibly the best bacon roll ever, complete with mango chutney, tomato and chilli cheese.  Also the most expensive ever.

From there it was especially beautiful.   Market Harborough is a lovely town, approached along a riverside cyclepath, and with a beautiful market street, nice looking buildings and shops.

Market Harborough 

Then along the canal to Foxton, where there is a ladder of locks, bustling with people; two cafes, two pubs and a museum.   Unfortunately they were having a water emergency;  one of the lock reservoirs half way down had been overfilled and was overflowing into the lock and also into the museum, sadly.  Lots of Canal & River Trust people doing stuff, letting torrents of water out here and there. 

Grand Union canal

After that it was mainly west, across the M1 towards Hinckley, near Nuneaton. Nice riding, again very quiet roads.   After a while I found a nearby campsite at Stoney Stanton with a fishing lake - a bit like Henfold Lakes, and pitched my tent.  

Gated roads...

Tent, sweet tent

It's forecast to rain early tomorrow,  so I may wait till it clears before packing up - but dry and maybe less humid after that.  I haven't  bought many cold weather clothes, so I hope it stays warm overnight.

Day 1 · Day 2

Friday 5 July 2024

Avenue Verte Day 3 Beauville to Chantilly Day 4 and Day 5

 Wednesday dawned bright and sunny but unfortunately it was to be the worst day for many.  Over half the party rose itching terribly with raised spots and had had an extremely uncomfortable night.  Bedbugs were the cause though the reception staff looked blank and in denial.  The bedbugs became a secondary issue when it was discovered Helen's bag had been stolen with her passport, money, phone and other stuff.  She was distraught and plans were made to backtrack to the police station in Beauvais to begin the slow process of getting a temporary passport to enable her to travel home.   WE REALISED THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING YOUR PASSPORT NUMBER WRITTEN DOWN SOMEWHERE OR A PHOTO OF IT ON YOUR PHONE .

This was the day with two ride options, a long and a short.  The majority had opted for a shorter day and this enabled them to support Helen in Beauvais but still ride in the afternoon to reach Chantilly.

Lillian, Christina and I set off in very hot weather but did have a great day on the Avenue Verte route, visiting  Bresles, Clermont, Sacy le Grand (where we lunched at a traditional restaurant) , Senlis and finally climbing up to an area of national forest with many footpaths running through it.  We descended to the magnificence of Chantilly with its extensive parkland, stabling and chateau.  A memorable day for many reasons.  We were pleased to learn that Helen now had an online form to complete however it was difficult for her to access her mail accounts on someone else's phone so she would not easily be able to receive the document they wanted to send her.  (In the end a visit to the Embassy in Paris on Friday secured the temporary passport at the very last minute and she caught the train with us to Dieppe.)

Accommodation at Le Avenue in the centre of Chantilly provided us with comfortable rooms, a garage for the bikes and good dinner. 

Day 4 - Chantilly to Pontoise

The group set off together to view Chantilly chateau before joining the route to Pontoise.

A lovely day on small roads that followed the River Oise and the small villages along it.  A lovely lunch was had at Beaumont-sur-Oise with supplies from an award winning boulangerie and drinks at a bar opposite.  More gentle meanderings, at one point on a narrow track by the edge of a field of sweetcorn until we climbed to the significant village of Auverrs sur Oise where Vincent van Gogh and his brother are buried and where he painted some of his most famous paintings.   It was a very relaxing afternoon in glorious sunshine.  At Pontoise Lillian, Paul and Maggie stayed at L'Hermitage, Tim and Pat said their goodbyes and headed off for further adventures, and the remainder lodged in Le Petite Reine, apartments a little too close to Pontoise Station, but very bike friendly with bike parking on the ground floor below the apartments. The 3 storey town house was tradionally shuttered and charmingly decorated with a bike mounted on one wall and 3 wheels on another.  We felt at home until the hourly express trains made themselves felt in the rooms at the front !

Day 5 -Pontoise to Paris

Helen got an early train to get to Paris first and obtain the vital temporary passport.  Pinky's cousin who lives in Paris was a huge help at this point.  The remainder of the party were ably led by Paul and Maggie in an impressive debut partnership to get us directly to Gare Lazare for the 3.45 train to Dieppe.  There was no time for anything but the briefest of photos and we were so glad we'd left time to negotiate the lifts, the platforms, the carriages (we were looking at the wrong numbers ...1 and 2 being first and second class).  Eventually on carriage 3  - some had there allotted bike spaces others just had to stack them and help bemused Parisians lift their suitcases over us to find their seats.   Helen arrived in the nick of time.  Madelaine was staying on in Paris.  With a combined sigh of relief we departed to raid Dieppe.